For many years I have been 'getting around' to starting a blog. I love writing and a huge variety of things, so why not share some of that with the world? It started with an instagram page, created to occupy boredom last summer, set up to showcase... as the title suggests... The beauty that surrounds us. Whether that is creating something beautiful from something not quite as much so (#upcycling), or just taking pictures of the beautiful day-to-day things I see in my life (yes, that very much includes food!).
So, welcome. I hope to use this site as a release, and talk about things that I am interested in. Just a warning, that does include everything from my baking ventures to the latest scientific advancements.. But hopefully that will mean there is something for everyone!
If anyone does have any thoughts, advice or questions you can message me on my instagram account, linked above (@thebeautythatsurroundsus_), thanks guys! I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I enjoy writing them.
B x
