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My experience of self-isolation

Writer: Thebeautythatsurroundsus_Thebeautythatsurroundsus_

As some of you may know, I have decided to self-isolate ahead of returning home for Christmas. This may seem a little OTT to some, but I have seen how awful Covid-19 can be, and would never forgive myself for passing it on to my family.

So, what's it been like? Well, surprisingly, it's been absolutely fine!!! I am very much the type of person that always has to be busy and doing things, so the thought of 12 days stuck indoors petrified me. But, I've actually found it a surprisingly nice change! I'm so used to going a million miles an hour, and constantly juggling commitments and deadlines, so the change of pace has actually been really lovely!

It has definitely helped that I've been working from home this week, which has meant I've been fairly occupied in the day - I outlined a rough plan for each day to make sure I had a focus, which I would definitely recommend doing!

I'm ridiculously lucky to have Ben here, also self-isolating, which has definitely made things easier! I know I would have struggled a lot more if I'd been alone the whole time.

Overall, it's been okay - so I've put together a list of tips to bear in mind if you also have to self-isolate...

  1. Try and keep in a routine - don't stay up stupidly late and get up stupidly late! By all means catch up on sleep, but staying in a semi-normal sleeping pattern will help you differentiate day from night and will help the days go more quickly.

  2. Try to have a bit of a to do list - it's always good to get to the end of the day feeling like you've achieved something. Whether it's just doing a load of washing, or facetiming a friend, it's good to have at least one objective for each day.

  3. Stay in touch with those around you. Just because you can't go out and meet someone for a walk or a coffee doesn't mean you can't socialise! Set up a Zoom quiz, or have a virtual coffee date with a friend - having outside interactions will definitely help you feel less lonely!

  4. On a similar note to keeping a sleeping routine - try to get dressed! It doesn't have to be fancy clothes (in fact I would recommend the comfier the better), but it's again worthwhile differentiating night from day, and may help you feel more productive.

  5. Try to make the most of it. Now I know this is a difficult one, but having to stay at home is the perfect time to catch up on things you haven't got around to because you've been busy - whether its a premature spring clean, or finally sorting through that pile of receipts... Little wins like this will make you feel productive and motivated, even if you do have to stay at home!

As always, TALK if you're having a down day or feeling particularly isolated - it's not normal human behaviour to not leave your house for elongated periods of time, so it's completely understandable to struggle or not like it. If you are particularly struggling, there are helplines you can ring, for financial, practical or mental health support:

> Samaritans, if you're feeling down or need to talk - 116 123 (FREE)

> NHS volunteers for help with shopping, collecting medicine, a phone call to talk to someone - 0808 196 3646 (8am-8pm 7days)

Those are just a few of the things I have found particularly useful during self-isolation - and I hope you do too!

I know these times are hard for us all, but if we pull together, TALK and try to stay safe, hopefully it will mean for a happier and healthier 2021.

Thank you, as always for reading!

B x



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