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To mask or not to mask...

Writer: Thebeautythatsurroundsus_Thebeautythatsurroundsus_

... That is the question.

I have seen a huge increase in posts on social media about the use of face masks in relation to preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) - with mixed opinions about their usefulness and whether the UK government recommending their use later this month is justified... I wanted to find out more info to reach my own conclusions. Sooooo, I've done all (some of!) the reading so you don't have to...

The idea behind wearing masks is to prevent the spread of the virus, which is known to predominantly spread through respiratory droplets and direct contact. This means it can be spread through coughing, sneezing, even heavy breathing, and of course, direct bodily contact and touching 'infected' surfaces. We know that the risk increases the closer a person is to an infected individual, with interactions within 1m dramatically increasing the risk of infection. The idea of course, is that if an infected person is wearing a mask, this will catch the respiratory droplets and prevent them from spreading to those surrounding them.

However, one of the biggest misconceptions is that a person wearing a mask is invincible; they think they can do anything and they're completely protected. This unfortunately isn't the case. Masks predominantly protect other people, rather than the person wearing the mask, although wearing a mask can also prevent the inhalation of some virus too. This means that masks are able to reduce rates of infection, not just with COVID-19, but also with other common viruses too, including influenza (which causes flu).

Although, there are downsides to wearing a mask, including the fact they can be uncomfortable and can cause skin irritations. They are also not recommended for exercise, due to the fact that when the masks get wet (through sweat etc.), they are much less effective, and it can make it harder to breathe efficiently. There is of course the added pressure of the costs of masks.. This is a problem around the world, but in the UK too. Some people are currently fighting to be able to put food on the table, and I think I know what I would choose between a hot meal or purchasing a mask...

Another HUGE problem is people not wearing the masks properly. It is SO important that the mask is fairly tight fitting (although not uncomfortable!), and that both the mouth and nose are covered. If the nose isn't covered by the mask then the droplets won’t be caught and may spread to others... The other BIG problem is the amount people touch their masks. It is SO important to try not to touch the mask too much, especially between hand washes, because touching a surface with virus and then touching the mask means a potentially greater exposure to the virus! So, if the mask does need adjusting, hands should be washed or sanitises first. It is is also very important masks are washed frequently, because they are only protective for so long - depending on the type of mask you wear. These may be single use ('health' type masks) or reusable if made out of material (see my previous blog post for how to make one yourself!). Ideally, I would say it is better to make your own, as this is both more environmentally sustainable and means it doesn't deplete the supplies of medical masks for healthcare professionals (care assistants, doctors, nurses etc.).

The world health organisation (WHO) have concluded that wearing a mask, when worn properly, does help to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and so recommends their use in situations where social distancing can't be maintained, such as on public transport and in shops. When worn properly I think they are important to prevent the spread of the virus and to keep people safe, but I also think its so important people follow the guidance and ensure they maintain social distancing, regularly wash their hands with soap and water/hand sanitiser and are aware of their surroundings! I know it's easy to forget and people want to get back to normality, but the more sensible we are, the more quickly we can continue to return to the 'new normal' and keep our friends and families safe.

So, in conclusion, I think the move to wear masks in shops is good - it definitely should've come in sooner, but in my eyes, it's better late than never! The most important thing is that people wear them correctly, and understand the importance of social distancing and regular hand washing.

I hope that info was helpful and all makes sense! As always, feel free to send any messages or feedback through insta (@thebeautythatsurroundsus_).

As always, thanks for reading!

Stay safe and be kind,

B x



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