I wanted this week’s blog post to be a little bit more personal, and something I know a lot of us are struggling with at the moment is juggling a busy workload. Having various commitments and adjusting to a new Covid-safe way of life can be tough, so I wanted to talk about some of the ways I have been dealing with this! Here are my top tips…
1. Look after yourself. You need to make sure you take time for yourself and your needs, no matter how hectic things get! Ensure you’re having a least 3 (healthy!) meals a day, ideally with some snacks too, and stay hydrated! I’m really bad for not drinking enough water in the day, but I have been making a conscious effort to drink more, and its honestly done wonders.. Would definitely recommend! Looking after your physical health supports your mental health too, so this is really important.
2. Stay calm and relaxed! Whether it’s having a nice long bath, painting your nails, or taking a few hours out to read a book or watch your favourite film.. It will help you stay grounded and ensure you still have enjoyment and serenity in your life!
3. Get ORGANISED. Now this is a biggie… The better you organise your schedule, the more time you will have, and the more on top of things you will feel! Everyone has a different way of doing this.. I use the calendar on my phone, because I know I will always have it with me. This makes it easier to coordinate my commitments within the lab and allows me to align these with plans in my personal life. Other people like paper diaries, or writing out at the start of each week what they have planned.. I think it's definitely a case of trial and error - see you what works for you and take it from there!
4. TALK to those around you. If your work load is getting too much or you have too many commitments, ask for help and guidance and talk about how you’re feeling. The worst thing to do is to bottle things up, because then it becomes a bigger problem than it needs to be… Your friends and family are there for a reason, and are more than likely able to offer you brilliant advice and support. If things are getting too much and you don’t feel you have anyone else to talk to, my DM’s are always open, or don’t be afraid to use helplines or live chats to talk about your feelings.
5. Don’t be a ‘yes man’. Last, but not least.. It’s okay to say no. I know how hard it can be to turn work or plans down, but you need to do what feels right for you! The same applies at work. If you genuinely think you have too much on your plate, talk to your manager and talk to those around you. Of course try to make this a constructive conversation rather than just ‘bitching’, but I think you will be surprised how unaware managers sometimes are about how you're coping. Even if they aren’t able to reduce your workload, they may be able to offer support or guidance on how to work more effectively, or spread your workload more evenly…
So, there you go. My top five tips to managing a busy work/life schedule. I know it can be really difficult, but these help me to remain grounded and juggle a busy lab schedule with a personal life too. Always remember that there will be peaks and troughs in life, and things tend to work themselves out, including really busy periods. Just remember that you CAN do it, and try not to ask too much of yourself!
Stay safe guys,
B x
